A Great American Hero

Photo Credit: Pat Tillman Foundation
Photo Credit: Pat Tillman Foundation

Here are two takeaways from Pat Tillman’s life and tragic death:

  1. Give thanks every day to the brave men, women and animals who are serving, have served or have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
  2. Live courageously and stand up for whatever you believe in.

You can check out Pat’s story in the book Where Men Win Glory written by John Krakauer.

Pat Tillman was a great American hero who left a multi-million dollar contract in the NFL to enlist in the US Army.  He didn’t go for religious faith or politics and his reasons were somewhat unclear, but it appeared to be a combination of: moral obligation, sense of duty, standing up to the bad guys and protecting people.  Whatever his reason(s), Pat bravely served his country, sacrificed everything and ultimately gave his life.  Pat worked hard to make it in the NFL and he worked hard in the Army to become an elite Ranger.  When he died, Pat was running toward danger in an effort to protect his brother and fellow comrades.  He lived like a hero and he died a hero.

In the event he didn’t make it back, Pat left a letter for his wife.  Marie shared with TODAY, that in the letter he wrote, “Through the years I’ve asked a great deal of you, therefore it should surprise you little that I have another favor to ask. I ask that you live.”

Check out the Pat Tillman Foundation that was created to honor his legacy.